Duality of Opposites
This world is largely driven by the energies of opposition. We are all familiar with Newton’s law that says, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Also, “What goes up must come down” is another, but this does not only apply to objects thrown in the air. It applies to different aspects of our lives. Our mind and emotions are roller coasters experiencing the highs of love and achievement as well as the lows of pain and loss. Our physical bodies naturally arc at our prime and ebb with aging. Energy itself is in constant motion as well. Many of the world’s cultural teachings include a representation of the flow and balance of opposing energies. Most commonly recognized is the yin-yang symbol of ancient Chinese Tao philosophy. The ancient Vedic science of Ayurveda also teaches about the flow of ascending and descending prana known as ida and pingala. Both yin and ida energy represent descending energy, feminine, cooling, resting and moon energy while the yang or pingala energy represent the ascending, active, heat and sun types of energy. The dualistic nature of the material creation can not be ignored. Neither should we create prejudice between one or the other because both are needed for balance to be achieved, It is this balance that we call homeostasis or health.
We are accustomed to seeing darkness as negative energy, something to fear or fight against. It is a kind of prejudice because it can feel like the loss or lack of it’s opposite, light. And we all love to feel the warm, nourishing light. When we are in the dark of night, not all is seen or known. The unknown can be mysterious or even scary. But if all we had was light and positivity the appeal would be lost over time. It is because of our lows that we truly experience and appreciate the joy of our highs. Whether it is the literal external world under cover of darkness or our own inner turmoil, how we respond can make all the difference. The absence of light makes us slow down, be thoughtful or introspective, and take more care. It allows our imagination to fill in the blanks, it is when our intuitive senses step up. It is a time to turn our attention inward. Hope is the light we use to get us through the dark times. Since energy is in constant motion we must remember that during our life’s low and dark periods, to not be hopeless.
Nature itself shows us the changing qualities of life with the cycle of the seasons around the polarities of abundance and scarcity. What can we learn and reflect back into our personal experience? When our circumstances become so difficult to sustain, let go of all the unnecessary attachments. Reserve your energy and focus it on maintaining what actually supports you. When a tree goes through the loss of its foliage to prepare for a long winter, its life force travels down deep to the roots. There is still nourishment and more temperate conditions the deeper it goes. It is the winter season that inspires us to find the ways we can bring light into our lives despite the cold dark days. It is cliche to say it, but we do often need reminding that better days are coming. The seasons will shift as the light of the sun does its magic.
Time, like energy, does not stand still. As we age, we can always look back upon the many ups and downs we experienced and survived. Hopefully we can see that there is a bigger picture of the arcs and troughs of life showing a progressive trend toward self actualization. The holy scriptural book Bhagavad Gita teaches us the importance of maintaining equanimity while facing both good or difficult situations. Both are always coming and going. Keeping your mind one pointed on what does not fluctuate and is eternal will guide you through to your soul’s highest destiny.
Keeping even a small flame of hope burning during your darkest days is the medicine that can provide the balance needed for the mind, heart and body to heal and progress through to your next phase. Staying in balance emotionally, physically, mentally is a fertile ground for positive progression. Sometimes it helps to have insight from a neutral source to help you gain peace, clarity and confidence along your journey. I would be honored to be that catalyst for you, click the link below to get started!